Nur noch 100 Kilometer bis zum Kuchen/Book Cover
Illustration, Book Cover, Cover Design

No_Stigma! Apotheken Umschau Youtube Channel Branding
Youtube Channel Branding, Packacginf, Design, CI

Soner AKTAS - Showreel
Motion Graphics, Animation, Illustration

The Anatomy of Type
Animation, Typography, Motion Graphics

Stylized 3D Character
3d, stylized character, illustration, animation

Was kostet die Welt - YOutube Channel Branding
Youtube-Packacging, Motion Design, CI

Adobe animated newsletter
Animation, Illustration, Motion Graphics

Less But Better - animated short film
‚Less but better‘ is more than just a rule for better design. This animated short film...

Spaces of Resistance
Illustration, Animation, Motion Graphics

Cover Illustration for Sensor Mainz 2024
Editorial Illustration

Graphic Recording at NEXT Live Event 2024

Klima Kapieren - Poster Design
Poster, Illustration, Mainz, Critical-Mass

Rheinland-Pfalz Map Illustration

Coffee break on wheels!
personal illustration

Critical Mass Mainz
Poster, Illustration, Mainz, Critical-Mass

Some 3D
3D, animation, motion graphic

Illustrations for Psychologie Heute
Editorial, Illustration, Psychologie Heute

Cover for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Editorial, Cover, Illustration

Cover Illustration for Neue Narrative
Editorial Illustration

Illutrations for Neue Narrative Web-Site
Editorial, Web-Site, Illustration, Neue Narrative

Illustrations for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Editorial, Illustration

Illustrations for Neue Narrative
Editorial, Illustration

Illustrations for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Editorial, Illustration

Illustrations for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Editorial, Illustration

Illustrations for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Editorial, Illustration

Cover Illustration for Sensor Mainz 2021
Editorial Illustration

The Doodles
doodles, illustration, set

Explainer Films for BearingPoint Finance Solutions
Illustration, Animation, Motion Graphics

HuR Animation
Illustration, Animation, Motion Graphics

Adobe Young Lerners
Illustration, Animation, Motion Graphics

Adobe Education Exchange Email Illustrations
ZDF Digital- Daily Works
My previous works at ZDF digital ...

Getting Vaccinated
Comic- Strip, Editorial, Illustration
Some people never go crazy!
Comic- Strip, Editorial, Illustration

An Apartment with Friends
Illustration, Graphic Design, Architecture

Inktober 2019
Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge...

DC Charachters-Editorial Illustration
I wanted to draw my favorite DC characters again with my style. And that's the result.

Show Reel for Adobe Creative Government Awards
This is a showreel for adobe creative government awards...

Animated Posters
Animated Posters ◊ Sommer Semester 2018 HS Mainz...

Some Comics
